God's Word Translation

Jeremiah 18:20-23 God's Word Translation (GW)

20. Good should not be paid back with evil.They dig a pit to take my life.Remember how I stood in your presence and pleaded for themin order to turn your anger away from them.

21. Now, hand their children over to famine.Pour out their ⌊blood⌋ by using your sword.Then their wives will become childless widows.Their husbands will be put to death.Their young men will be struck down in battle.

22. Make them cry out from their homeswhen you suddenly send troops against them,because they dug a pit to catch me and hid snares for my feet.

23. But you, O Lord, know that they plan to kill me.Don’t forgive their crimes.Don’t wipe their sins out of your sight.Make them stumble in your presence.Deal with them when you get angry.