God's Word Translation

Jeremiah 15:5-12 God's Word Translation (GW)

5. No one will take pity on you, Jerusalem.No one will mourn for you.No one will bother to ask how you are doing.

6. You have left me,” declares the Lord.“You have turned your back on me.So I will use my power against you and destroy you.I’m tired of showing compassion to you.

7. “I will separate them with a winnowing shovel at the city gates.I will make them childless.I will destroy my people because they will not change their ways.

8. Their widows will be more numerousthan the grains of sand on the seashore.At noontime I will send a destroyer against the mothers of young men.I will suddenly bring anguish and terror to them.

9. A mother who gives birth to seven sons will grow faintand breathe her last.She will die, ashamed and humiliated,while it is still daylight.I will put survivors from these people to deathin the presence of their enemies,” declares the Lord.

10. I’m so miserable! Why did my mother give birth to me?I am a man who argues and quarrels with the whole earth.I have never lent or borrowed anything.Yet, everyone curses me.

11. The Lord said,“I will certainly rescue you for a good reason.I will certainly make your enemies plead with youin times of disaster and in times of distress.

12. (No one can break iron, iron from the north, or bronze.)