God's Word Translation

Isaiah 47:3-9 God's Word Translation (GW)

3. People will see you naked.People will see your shame.I will take revenge.I won’t spare anyone.

4. Our defender is the Holy One of Israel.His name is the Lord of Armies.

5. Go into the dark, and sit in silence,princess of the Babylonians!You will no longer be called the queen of kingdoms.

6. I was angry with my people.I dishonored those who belong to me.I put them under your control.You showed them no mercy.You placed a heavy burden on old people.

7. You said, “I will always be a queen.”You didn’t carefully consider these thingsor keep in mind how they would end.

8. Now then, listen to this, you lover of pleasure.You live securely and say to yourself,“I’m the only one, and there’s no one else.I won’t live as a widow.I won’t suffer the loss of children.”

9. In one day both of these will happen to you instantly:the loss of your children and your husband.All this will happen to you in spite ofyour evil magic and your many spells.