God's Word Translation

Isaiah 41:3-15 God's Word Translation (GW)

3. He chases them, marching by safelyon a path his feet have never traveled before.

4. Who has accomplished this?Who has determined the course of history from the beginning?I, the Lord, was there first, and I will be there to the end.I am the one!”

5. The coastlands have seen him and are afraid.The ends of the earth tremble.They have come near and gathered together.

6. People help their neighborsand say to their relatives, “Be brave!”

7. Craftsmen encourage goldsmiths.Metalsmiths encourage blacksmiths who work at their anvils.They say that their soldering is good.And they fasten things with nails so they won’t move.

8. “But you are my servant Israel,Jacob, whom I have chosen,the descendant of Abraham, my dear friend.

9. I have taken you from the ends of the earthand called you from its most distant places.I said to you, ‘You are my servant.I’ve chosen you; I haven’t rejected you.’

10. Don’t be afraid, because I am with you.Don’t be intimidated; I am your God.I will strengthen you.I will help you.I will support you with my victorious right hand.

11. “Everyone who is angry with youwill be ashamed and disgraced.Those who oppose youwill be reduced to nothing and disappear.

12. You will search for your enemies,but you will not find them.Those who are at war with youwill be reduced to nothing and no longer exist.

13. I, the Lord your God, hold your right handand say to you, ‘Don’t be afraid; I will help you.’

14. Don’t be afraid, Jacob, you worm.You people of Israel, I will help you,”declares the Lord, your Defender, the Holy One of Israel.

15. “I am going to make you into a new threshing sledgewith sharp, double-edged teeth.You will thresh the mountains and crush them to dust.You will turn the hills into straw.