God's Word Translation

Isaiah 33:1-5 God's Word Translation (GW)

1. How horrible it will be for you, you destroyer,although you haven’t been destroyed.How horrible it will be for you, you traitor,although you haven’t been betrayed.When you’ve finished destroying, you will be destroyed.When you’ve finished being a traitor, you will be betrayed.

2. O Lord, have pity on us.We wait with hope for you.Be our strength in the morning.Yes, be our savior in times of trouble.

3. People flee from the noise of ⌊your⌋ army.Nations scatter when you attack.

4. You nations, your loot is gathered as grasshoppers harvest a crop.Like swarming locusts, people rush for your loot.

5. The Lord is honored because he lives on high.He will fill Zion with justice and righteousness.