God's Word Translation

Isaiah 17:8-13 God's Word Translation (GW)

8. They won’t look to the altars made by their handsor to the Asherah poles or incense altarswhich their fingers molded.

9. When that day comes, the fortified citieswhich other people abandoned because of the Israeliteswill be like abandoned woods and undergrowth.So it will become a wasteland.

10. You have forgotten the God of your salvation.You haven’t remembered the rock, your stronghold.Instead, you have planted the best plantsand have set out the imported grapevines.

11. On the day you plant, you will make it grow.On the morning you set out the seedling, you will make it sprout.But the harvest will become a [rotting] pile on a day of grief and incurable pain.

12. How horrible it will be for many people!They will roar like the roaring sea.The noise that the people makewill be like the noise from rushing water.

13. The people will make noise like raging water.But the Lord will yell at them, and they will run far away.They will be chased awaylike husks on the mountains being blown by the wind,like whirling dust being blown by a storm.