God's Word Translation

Habakkuk 3:8-19 God's Word Translation (GW)

8. The Lord is not angry with the rivers, is he?If you are angry with the rivers,if you are furious with the sea,⌊why⌋ do you ride your horses,your chariots of salvation?

9. You get your bow ready for action,for the arrows ⌊you⌋ promised. SelahYou split the land with rivers.

10. The mountains look at you. They writhe in pain.Floodwaters pass by.The deep ocean roars. Its waves rise up high.

11. The sun and the moon stand still.They scatter at the light of your arrows,at the bright lightning of your spear.

12. You march through the earth with fury.You trample the nations in anger.

13. You go out to save your people,to save your anointed.You crush the leader of the wicked household,stripping him bare from head to toe. Selah

14. You pierce the leader of his gang with his own arrows.His soldiers come like a violent storm to scatter me.They are arrogant like those who secretly eat up the poor.

15. You march with your horses into the sea,into the mighty raging waters.

16. I have heard, so there’s trembling within me.At the report my lips quivered.A rotten feeling has entered me.I tremble where I stand.I wait for the day of troubleto come to the people who will attack us.

17. Even if the fig tree does not bloomand the vines have no grapes,even if the olive tree fails to produceand the fields yield no food,even if the sheep pen is emptyand the stalls have no cattle—

18. even then,I will be happy with the Lord.I will truly find joy in God, who saves me.

19. The Lord Almighty is my strength.He makes my feet like those of a deer.He makes me walk on the mountains.For the choir director; on stringed instruments.