God's Word Translation

Genesis 49:6-18 God's Word Translation (GW)

6. Do not let me attend their secret meetings.Do not let me join their assembly.In their anger they murdered men.At their whim they crippled cattle.

7. May their anger be cursed because it’s so fierce.May their fury be cursed because it’s so cruel.I will divide them among ⌊the sons of⌋ Jacoband scatter them among ⌊the tribes of⌋ Israel.

8. “Judah, your brothers will praise you.Your hand will be on the neck of your enemies.Your father’s sons will bow down to you.

9. Judah, you are a lion cub.You have come back from the kill, my son.He lies down and rests like a lion.He is like a lioness. Who dares to disturb him?

10. A scepter will never depart from Judahnor a ruler’s staff from between his feetuntil Shiloh comesand the people obey him.

11. He will tie his donkey to a grapevine,his colt to the best vine.He will wash his clothes in wine,his garments in the blood of grapes.

12. His eyes are darker than wine.His teeth are whiter than milk.

13. “Zebulun will live by the coast.He will have ships by the coast.His border will go as far as Sidon.

14. “Issachar is a strong donkey,lying down between the saddlebags.

15. When he sees that his resting place is goodand that the land is pleasant,he will bend his back to the burdenand will become a slave laborer.

16. “Dan will hand down decisions for his peopleas one of the tribes of Israel.

17. Dan will be a snake on a road,a viper on a path,that bites a horse’s heelsso that its rider falls off backwards.

18. “I wait with hope for you to rescue me, O Lord.