God's Word Translation

Genesis 49:25-33 God's Word Translation (GW)

25. because of the God of your father who helps you,because of the Almighty who gives youblessings from the heavens above,blessings from the deep springs below the ground,blessings from breasts and womb.

26. The blessings of your father are greater thanthe blessings of the oldest mountainsand the riches of the ancient hills.May these blessings rest on the head of Joseph,on the crown of the prince among his brothers.

27. “Benjamin is a ravenous wolf.In the morning he devours his prey.In the evening he divides the plunder.”

28. These are the 12 tribes of Israel and what their father said to them when he gave each of them his special blessing.

29. Then he gave them these instructions, “I am about to join my ancestors in death. Bury me with my ancestors in the cave in the field of Ephron the Hittite.

30. Abraham bought the cave that is in the field of Machpelah, east of Mamre in Canaan, from Ephron the Hittite to use as a tomb.

31. Abraham and his wife Sarah are buried there. Isaac and his wife Rebekah are buried there. I also buried Leah there.

32. The field and the cave in it were bought from the Hittites.”

33. When Jacob finished giving these instructions to his sons, he pulled his feet into his bed. He took his last breath and joined his ancestors in death.