God's Word Translation

Genesis 49:12-27 God's Word Translation (GW)

12. His eyes are darker than wine.His teeth are whiter than milk.

13. “Zebulun will live by the coast.He will have ships by the coast.His border will go as far as Sidon.

14. “Issachar is a strong donkey,lying down between the saddlebags.

15. When he sees that his resting place is goodand that the land is pleasant,he will bend his back to the burdenand will become a slave laborer.

16. “Dan will hand down decisions for his peopleas one of the tribes of Israel.

17. Dan will be a snake on a road,a viper on a path,that bites a horse’s heelsso that its rider falls off backwards.

18. “I wait with hope for you to rescue me, O Lord.

19. “Gad will be attacked by a band of raiders,but he will strike back at their heels.

20. “Asher’s food will be rich.He will provide delicacies fit for a king.

21. “Naphtali is a doe set freethat has beautiful fawns.

22. “Joseph is a fruitful tree,a fruitful tree by a spring,with branches climbing over a wall.

23. Archers provoked him,shot at him,and attacked him.

24. But his bow stayed steady, and his arms remained limberbecause of the help of the Mighty One of Jacob,because of the name of the Shepherd, the Rock of Israel,

25. because of the God of your father who helps you,because of the Almighty who gives youblessings from the heavens above,blessings from the deep springs below the ground,blessings from breasts and womb.

26. The blessings of your father are greater thanthe blessings of the oldest mountainsand the riches of the ancient hills.May these blessings rest on the head of Joseph,on the crown of the prince among his brothers.

27. “Benjamin is a ravenous wolf.In the morning he devours his prey.In the evening he divides the plunder.”