God's Word Translation

Genesis 44:1-9 God's Word Translation (GW)

1. Joseph commanded the man in charge of his house, “Fill the men’s sacks with as much food as they can carry. Put each man’s money in his sack.

2. Then put my silver cup in the youngest brother’s sack along with the money for his grain.” He did what Joseph told him.

3. At dawn the men were sent on their way with their donkeys.

4. They had not gone far from the city when Joseph said to the man in charge of his house, “Go after those men at once, and when you catch up with them, say to them, ‘Why have you paid me back with evil when I was good to you?

5. Isn’t this the cup that my master drinks from and that he uses for telling the future? What you have done is evil!’ ”

6. When he caught up with them, he repeated these words to them.

7. They answered him, “Sir, how can you say such things? We would never think of doing anything like that!

8. We brought the money we found in our sacks back from Canaan. So why would we steal any silver or gold from your master’s house?

9. If one of us has it, he will die, and the rest of us will become your slaves.”