God's Word Translation

Genesis 34:17-23 God's Word Translation (GW)

17. If you won’t agree to be circumcised, we’ll take our daughter and go.”

18. Their proposal seemed good to Hamor and his son Shechem.

19. The young man didn’t waste any time in doing what they said because he took such pleasure in Jacob’s daughter. He was the most honored person in all his father’s family.

20. So Hamor and his son Shechem went to their city gate to speak to the men of their city. They said,

21. “These people are friendly toward us, so let them live in our land and move about freely in the area. Look, there’s plenty of room in this land for them. We can marry their daughters and let them marry ours.

22. These people will consent to live with us and become one nation on one condition: Every male must be circumcised as they are.

23. Won’t their livestock, their personal property, and all their animals be ours? We only need to agree to do this for them. Then they’ll live with us.”