God's Word Translation

Genesis 33:3-10 God's Word Translation (GW)

3. He went on ahead of them and bowed seven times with his face touching the ground as he came near his brother.

4. Then Esau ran to meet Jacob. Esau hugged him, threw his arms around him, and kissed him. They both cried.

5. When he saw the women and children, Esau asked, “Who are these people here with you?”“The children God has graciously given me, sir,” Jacob answered.

6. Then the slaves and their children came forward and bowed down.

7. Likewise, Leah and her children came forward and bowed down. Finally, Joseph and Rachel came forward and bowed down.

8. Then Esau asked, “Why did you send this whole group ⌊of people and animals⌋ I met?”He answered, “To win your favor, sir.”

9. Esau said, “I have enough. Keep what you have, Brother.”

10. Jacob said, “No, please take the gift I’m giving you, because I’ve seen your face as if I were seeing the face of God, and yet you welcomed me so warmly.