God's Word Translation

Genesis 31:37-43 God's Word Translation (GW)

37. Now that you’ve rummaged through all my things, did you find anything from your house? Put it here in front of all our relatives. Let them decide which one of us is right.

38. “I’ve been with you for 20 years. Your sheep and goats never miscarried, and I never ate any rams from your flocks.

39. I never brought you any of the flock that was killed by wild animals. I paid for the loss myself. That’s what you demanded of me when any of the flock was stolen during the day or at night.

40. The scorching heat during the day and the cold at night wore me down, and I lost a lot of sleep.

41. I’ve been with your household 20 years now. I worked for you 14 years for your two daughters and 6 years for your flocks, and you changed my wages ten times.

42. If the God of my father, the God of Abraham and the Fear of Isaac, had not been with me, you would have sent me away empty-handed by now. God has seen my misery and hard work, and last night he made it right.”

43. Then Laban answered Jacob, “These are my daughters, my grandchildren, and my flocks. Everything you see is mine! Yet, what can I do today for my daughters or for their children?