God's Word Translation

Genesis 27:29-33 God's Word Translation (GW)

29. May nations serve you.May people bow down to you.Be the master of your brothers,and may the sons of your mother bow down to you.May those who curse you be cursed.May those who bless you be blessed.”

30. Isaac finished blessing Jacob. Jacob had barely left when his brother Esau came in from hunting.

31. He, too, prepared a good-tasting meal and brought it to his father. Then he said to his father, “Please, Father, eat some of the meat I’ve hunted for you so that you will bless me.”

32. “Who are you?” his father Isaac asked him.“I’m your firstborn son Esau,” he an swered.

33. Trembling violently all over, Isaac asked, “Who hunted game and brought it to me? I ate it before you came in. I blessed him, and he will stay blessed.”