God's Word Translation

Genesis 21:10-19 God's Word Translation (GW)

10. She said to Abraham, “Get rid of this slave and her son, because this slave’s son must never share the inheritance with my son Isaac.”

11. Abraham was upset by this because of his son Ishmael.

12. But God said to Abraham, “Don’t be upset about the boy and your slave. Listen to what Sarah says because through Isaac your descendants will carry on your name.

13. Besides, I will make the slave’s son into a nation also, because he is your child.”

14. Early the next morning Abraham took bread and a container of water and gave them to Hagar, putting them on her shoulder. He also gave her the boy and sent her on her way. So she left and wandered around in the desert near Beersheba.

15. When the water in the container was gone, she put the boy under one of the bushes.

16. Then she went about as far away as an arrow can be shot and sat down. She said to herself, “I don’t want to watch the boy die.” So she sat down and sobbed loudly.

17. God heard the boy crying, and the Messenger of God called to Hagar from heaven. “What’s the matter, Hagar?” he asked her. “Don’t be afraid! God has heard the boy crying from the bushes.

18. Come on, help the boy up! Take him by the hand, because I’m going to make him into a great nation.”

19. God opened her eyes. Then she saw a well. She filled the container with water and gave the boy a drink.