God's Word Translation

Ezekiel 21:18-32 God's Word Translation (GW)

18. The Lord spoke his word to me. He said,

19. “Son of man, mark two roads that the king of Babylon and his sword can take. Both of these roads should start from the same country. Make a sign, and put it where the roads start to fork toward the cities.

20. Mark the road that the king and his sword can take to the Ammonite city of Rabbah, and mark the road that leads to Judah and the fortified city of Jerusalem.

21. The king of Babylon will stop where the roads branch off, where there is a fork in the road. Then he will look for omens. He will shake some arrows, ask his household gods for help, and examine animal livers.

22. The omens will indicate that he should go to the right, to Jerusalem. So he will set up his battering rams there, give the order to kill, raise a battle cry, aim the battering rams against the city gates, put up ramps, and set up blockades.

23. The people won’t believe this because they have made treaties with other nations. But the king of Babylon will remind them of their sins, and they will be captured.

24. “This is what the Almighty Lord says: You make people remember how sinful you are because you openly do wrong. You show your sins in everything you do. So you will be taken captive.

25. “You dishonest and wicked prince of Israel, the time for your final punishment has come.

26. This is what the Almighty Lord says: Take off your turban, and get rid of your crown. Things are going to change. Those who are unimportant will become important, and those who are important will become unimportant.

27. Ruins! Ruins! I will turn this place into ruins! It will not be restored until its rightful owner comes. Then I will give it to him.

28. “Son of man, prophesy. Tell them, ‘This is what the Almighty Lord says about the Ammonites and their insults:A sword, a sword is drawn ready to kill.It’s polished to destroy and flash like lightning.

29. People see false visions about youand prophesy lies about you.The sword will be placed on the necks of dishonest, wicked people,for whom the time of final punishment has come.

30. “‘Return your sword to its scabbard.In the place where you were created,in the land where you were born,there I will judge you.

31. I will pour out my fury on youand breathe on you with my fiery anger.I will hand you over to cruel people who are skilled in destruction.

32. You will be fuel for the fire.You will die in the land.You will no longer be remembered.I, the Lord, have spoken.’ ”