God's Word Translation

Ezekiel 21:1-15 God's Word Translation (GW)

1. The Lord spoke his word to me. He said,

2. “Son of man, turn to Jerusalem, preach against the holy places. Prophesy against the land of Israel.

3. Tell the land of Israel, ‘This is what the Lord says: I am against you. I will take my sword out of its scabbard and kill the righteous people and the wicked people among you.

4. I’m going to kill the righteous people and the wicked people among you. That is why my sword will come out of its scabbard to be used against everyone from the south to the north.

5. Then everyone will know that I, the Lord, have taken my sword from its scabbard, and I will not put it back again.’

6. “So, son of man, groan with a breaking heart and with bitter crying while the people watch you.

7. When they ask you why you are groaning, say, ‘News has come that will discourage everyone. People’s hands will hang limp, their hearts will lose courage, and their knees will become as weak as water. It’s coming! It will surely take place!’ declares the Almighty Lord.”

8. The Lord spoke his word to me. He said,

9. “Son of man, prophesy. Tell them, ‘This is what the Lord says:A sword, a sword is sharpened and polished,

10. It’s sharpened to killand polished to flash like lightning.How can we rejoice?My son has refused to be disciplined or punished.

11. The sword has been handed over to be polished,to be placed in the hand.The sword is being sharpened and polishedto be placed in the hands of killers.

12. “‘Cry and mourn, son of man,because the sword will be used against my peopleand against all the princes of Israel.I will throw the princes and my people on the sword.So beat your breast, and grieve.

13. Testing will surely come.What if you refuse to be disciplined again?Won’t you be tested? declares the Almighty Lord.

14. So prophesy, son of man.Clap your hands!Let the sword strike again and again.It’s the sword for killing.It’s the sword for killing many people.It’s the sword that surrounds them.

15. I have appointed my sword to slaughter people at all their gatesso that their hearts will sink and many will die.Yes! It’s ready to flash like lightning.It’s polished to kill.