God's Word Translation

Ezekiel 16:21-32 God's Word Translation (GW)

21. You slaughtered my children and presented them as burnt offerings to idols.

22. With all the disgusting things that you did and all your acts of prostitution, you didn’t remember the time when you were young. You didn’t remember when you were naked and bare, kicking around in your own blood.

23. “‘How horrible! How horrible it will be for you! declares the Almighty Lord. After all your wickedness,

24. you built yourself platforms and illegal worship sites in every city square.

25. You also built worship sites at the head of every street. You used your beauty to seduce people there. You offered your body to everyone who passed by. You increased your acts of prostitution.

26. You had sex with your lustful neighbors, the Egyptians. You used your prostitution to make me angry.

27. “‘So I used my power against you. I took away some of your land, and I handed you over to your greedy enemies, the Philistines, who were ashamed of what you had done.

28. “‘You had sex with the Assyrians because you weren’t satisfied. You still weren’t satisfied.

29. So you increased your acts of prostitution to include the land of the merchants, the Babylonians. Even after that, you weren’t satisfied.

30. “‘You have no will power! declares the Almighty Lord. You do everything a shameless prostitute does.

31. You build your platforms at the head of every street and place your illegal worship sites in every square. Yet, you aren’t like other prostitutes, because you don’t want to be paid.

32. You are an adulterous wife who prefers strangers to her husband.