God's Word Translation

Exodus 35:1-8 God's Word Translation (GW)

1. Moses assembled the whole Israelite community and said to them, “These are the things the Lord has commanded you to do:

2. You may work for six days, but the seventh day is a holy day of worship, a day when you don’t work. It is dedicated to the Lord. Whoever does any work on this day should be put to death.

3. Never light a fire in any of your homes on this day of worship.”

4. Then Moses said to the whole Israelite community, “This is what the Lord has commanded:

5. Choose something of your own to give as a special contribution to the Lord. Let everyone who is willing bring this kind of contribution to the Lord: gold, silver, and bronze,

6. violet, purple, and bright red yarn, fine linen, goats’ hair,

7. rams’ skins dyed red, fine leather, acacia wood,

8. olive oil for the lamps, spices for the anointing oil and for the sweet-smelling incense,