God's Word Translation

Exodus 31:1-8 God's Word Translation (GW)

1. The Lord said to Moses,

2. “I have chosen Bezalel, son of Uri and grandson of Hur, from the tribe of Judah.

3. I have filled Bezalel with the Spirit of God, making him highly skilled, resourceful, and knowledgeable in all trades.

4. He’s a master artist familiar with gold, silver, and bronze.

5. He knows how to cut and set stones and how to work with wood. He’s an expert in all trades.

6. Also, I have appointed Oholiab, son of Ahisamach, from the tribe of Dan, to help him. I have given every craftsman the skill necessary to make everything I have commanded you:

7. the tent of meeting, the ark containing the words of my promise with the throne of mercy on it, and all the ⌊other⌋ furnishings for the tent,

8. the table and the dishes, the pure ⌊gold⌋ lamp stand and all its utensils, the altar for incense,