God's Word Translation

Exodus 30:28-38 God's Word Translation (GW)

28. the altar for burnt offerings and all its accessories, and the basin with its stand.

29. In this way you will dedicate them for their holy purpose. Then they will be most holy, and anything that touches them will become holy.

30. Anoint Aaron and his sons as well. In this way you will set them apart for their holy duties of serving me as priests.

31. “Say to the Israelites, ‘For generations to come, this will be my holy oil used only for anointing.

32. It must never be poured on the bodies of other people. Never make any perfumed oil using this formula. It is holy, and you must treat it as holy.

33. Whoever prepares a perfume like this or puts it on anyone who is not a priest must be excluded from the people.’ ”

34. The Lord said to Moses, “Take one part fragrant spices (two kinds of gum resin and aromatic mollusk shells), and mix them with one part pure frankincense.

35. Have a perfumer make it into fragrant incense, seasoned with salt, pure and holy.

36. Grind some of it into a fine powder, and put it in front of ⌊the ark containing⌋ the words of my promise in the tent of meeting, where I will meet with you. You must treat it as most holy.

37. Never make any incense for yourselves using this formula. Treat it as holy to the Lord.

38. Whoever prepares anything like it for his own enjoyment must be excluded from his people.”