God's Word Translation

Exodus 29:2-19 God's Word Translation (GW)

2. Use the finest wheat flour, but no yeast, and bake some loaves of bread, some rings of bread made with olive oil, and some wafers brushed with olive oil.

3. Put the bread in a basket, and bring the basket along with the young bull and the two rams.

4. “Then bring Aaron and his sons to the entrance of the tent of meeting, and wash them.

5. Take the clothes, and put them on Aaron—the linen robe, the ephod and the robe that is worn with it, and the breastplate. Use the belt to tie it on him tightly.

6. Put his turban on him, and fasten the holy crown to it.

7. Take the anointing oil, pour it on his head, and anoint him.

8. “Have his sons come forward. Dress them in their linen robes,

9. and put turbans on them. Tie belts around the waists of Aaron and his sons. They alone are to be priests; this is a permanent law. In this way you will ordain Aaron and his sons.

10. “Then bring the young bull to the front of the tent of meeting. Aaron and his sons will place their hands on its head.

11. Slaughter the bull in the Lord’s presence at the entrance to the tent of meeting.

12. Take some of the bull’s blood, and put it on the horns of the altar with your finger. Pour the rest of it out at the bottom of the altar.

13. “Then take all the fat that covers the internal organs, the lobe of the liver, and the two kidneys with the fat on them, and burn them on the altar.

14. But burn the bull’s meat, skin, and excrement outside the camp. It is an offering for sin.

15. “Take one of the rams. Then Aaron and his sons will place their hands on its head.

16. Slaughter it, take the blood, and throw it against the altar on all sides.

17. Cut the ram into pieces, wash the internal organs and legs, and put them with the other pieces and the head.

18. Then burn the whole ram on the altar. It’s a burnt offering, a soothing aroma, an offering by fire to the Lord.

19. “Take the other ram. Then Aaron and his sons will place their hands on its head.