God's Word Translation

Exodus 13:9-16 God's Word Translation (GW)

9. This ⌊festival⌋ will be ⌊like⌋ a mark on your hand or a reminder on your forehead that the teachings of the Lord are ⌊always⌋ to be a part of your conversation. Because the Lord used his mighty hand to bring you out of Egypt,

10. you must follow these rules every year at this time.

11. “When the Lord brings you to the land of the Canaanites and gives it to you, as he swore to you and your ancestors,

12. sacrifice every firstborn male offspring to the Lord. The firstborn male offspring of each of your animals belongs to the Lord.

13. It will cost you a sheep or a goat to buy any firstborn donkey back from the Lord. If you don’t buy it back, then you must break the donkey’s neck. You must also buy every firstborn son back from the Lord.

14. “In the future when your children ask you what this means, tell them, ‘The Lord used his mighty hand to bring us out of slavery in Egypt.

15. When Pharaoh was too stubborn to let us go, the Lord killed every firstborn male in Egypt—human and animal. This is why we sacrifice every firstborn male to the Lord and buy every firstborn son back from the Lord.’

16. So this ⌊festival⌋ will be ⌊like⌋ a mark on your hand and ⌊like⌋ a band on your forehead, because the Lord used his mighty hand to bring us out of Egypt.”