God's Word Translation

Esther 1:2-8 God's Word Translation (GW)

2. At the time when King Xerxes sat on the royal throne in the fortress of Susa,

3. he held a banquet in the third year of his reign. The banquet was for all his officials and advisers, that is, the military officers of the Persians and Medes, the nobles and officials of the provinces who had access to him.

4. He showed them the enormous wealth of his kingdom and the costly splendor of his greatness for many days, 180 to be exact.

5. When those days were over, the king held a banquet lasting seven days. This banquet was held in the enclosed garden of the king’s palace for all people in the fortress of Susa, whatever their rank.

6. The garden had white and violet linen curtains. These curtains were attached to silver rods and marble pillars by cords made of white and purple fine linen. Gold and silver couches were on a mosaic pavement of purple rock, white marble, pearl-like stone, and black marble.

7. People drank from golden cups. No two cups were alike. The king also provided plenty of royal wine out of his royal generosity.

8. The drinking followed this rule: Drink as you please. (The king had ordered all the waiters in his palace to let everyone do as he pleased.)