God's Word Translation

Deuteronomy 32:15-20 God's Word Translation (GW)

15. Jeshurun got fat and disrespectful.(You got fat! You were stuffed! You were gorged!)They abandoned the God who made themand treated the rock of their salvation like a fool.

16. They made him furious because they worshiped foreign godsand angered him because they worshiped worthless idols.

17. They sacrificed to demons that are not God,to gods they never heard of.These were new gods, who came from nearby,gods your ancestors never worshiped.

18. (You ignored the rock who fathered youand forgot the God who gave you life.)

19. The Lord saw this and rejected them,because his own sons and daughters had made him angry.

20. He said, “I will turn away from themand find out what will happen to them.They are devious people,children who can’t be trusted.