God's Word Translation

Daniel 1:13-21 God's Word Translation (GW)

13. Then compare us to the young men who are eating the king’s rich food. Decide how to treat us on the basis of how we look.”

14. The supervisor listened to them about this matter and tested them for ten days.

15. After ten days they looked healthier and stronger than the young men who had been eating the king’s rich food.

16. So the supervisor took away the king’s rich food and wine and gave them vegetables.

17. God gave these four men knowledge, wisdom, and the ability to understand all kinds of literature. Daniel could also understand all kinds of visions and dreams.

18. At the end of the three-year training period, the chief-of-staff brought all the young men to Nebuchadnezzar.

19. The king talked to them and found no one like Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah among all of them. So these four men served the king.

20. Whenever the king asked them about things that required wisdom and insight, he found that they knew ten times more than all the magicians and psychics in his whole kingdom.

21. Daniel served the royal palace until the first year of King Cyrus ⌊of Persia⌋.