God's Word Translation

Colossians 2:11-19 God's Word Translation (GW)

11. In him you were also circumcised. It was not a circumcision performed by human hands. But it was a removal of the corrupt nature in the circumcision performed by Christ.

12. This happened when you were placed in the tomb with Christ through baptism. In baptism you were also brought back to life with Christ through faith in the power of God, who brought him back to life.

13. You were once dead because of your failures and your uncircumcised corrupt nature. But God made you alive with Christ when he forgave all our failures.

14. He did this by erasing the charges that were brought against us by the written laws God had established. He took the charges away by nailing them to the cross.

15. He stripped the rulers and authorities ⌊of their power⌋ and made a public spectacle of them as he celebrated his victory in Christ.

16. Therefore, let no one judge you because of what you eat or drink or about the observance of annual holy days, New Moon Festivals, or weekly worship days.

17. These are a shadow of the things to come, but the body ⌊that casts the shadow⌋ belongs to Christ.

18. Let no one who delights in ⌊false⌋ humility and the worship of angels tell you that you don’t deserve a prize. Such a person, whose sinful mind fills him with arrogance, gives endless details of the visions he has seen.

19. He doesn’t hold on to ⌊Christ,⌋ the head. Christ makes the whole body grow as God wants it to, through support and unity given by the joints and ligaments.