God's Word Translation

Amos 8:5-14 God's Word Translation (GW)

5. You say to yourselves,“When will the New Moon Festival be overso that we can sell more grain?When will the day of worship be overso that we can sell more wheat?We can shrink the size of the bushel baskets,increase the cost,and cheat with dishonest scales.

6. We can buy the poor with moneyand the needy for a pair of sandals.We can sell the husks mixed in with the wheat.”

7. The Lord has sworn an oath by Jacob’s pride:“I will never forget anything that they have done.”

8. The land will tremble because of this.Everyone who lives in it will mourn.The entire land will rise like the Nile,be tossed about, and then sink like Egypt’s river.

9. On that day, declares the Almighty Lord,I will make the sun go down at noonand darken the earth in broad daylight.

10. I will turn your festivals into funeralsand all your songs into funeral songs.I will put sackcloth around everyone’s waistand shave everyone’s head.I will make that day seem like a funeral for an only child,and its end will be bitter.

11. The days are going to come, declares the Almighty Lord,when I will send a famine throughout the land.It won’t be an ordinary famine or drought.Instead, there will be a famine of hearing the words of the Lord.

12. People will wander from sea to seaand roam from the north to the east,searching for the word of the Lord.But they won’t find it.

13. On that day beautiful young women and strong young menwill faint because of their thirst.

14. ⌊How horrible it will be for⌋ those who swear by Ashimah,the idol of Samaria, and say,“I solemnly swear, Dan, as your god lives. . . .”“I solemnly swear as long as there is a road to Beersheba. . . .”Those who say this will fall and never get up again.