God's Word Translation

Amos 2:8-16 God's Word Translation (GW)

8. Beside every altar, they spread themselves out on clothestaken as security.In the temples of their gods, they drink the winethat they bought with fines.

9. I destroyed the Amorites in front of them,although the Amorites were as tall as cedars and as strong as oaks.I destroyed their fruit above the ground and their roots below it.

10. I brought you out of Egypt.I led you through the desert for 40 yearsso that you could take possession of the land of the Amorites.

11. I also sent you prophets from among your childrenand Nazirites from among your youths.Isn’t that so, people of Israel?The Lord has declared this.

12. You made the Nazirites drink wine.You commanded the prophets to stop prophesying.

13. I am going to crush you as an overloaded wagon crushes a person.

14. Runners will not be able to escape.Strong men will find that their strength is useless.Soldiers will not be able to save themselves.

15. Archers will not stand their ground.Fast runners will not be able to escape.Horsemen will not be able to save themselves.

16. Brave soldiers will run away naked that day.The Lord has declared this.