God's Word Translation

Acts 22:1-12 God's Word Translation (GW)

1. “Brothers and fathers, listen as I now present my case to you.”

2. When the mob heard him speak to them in Hebrew, they became even more quiet. Then Paul continued,

3. “I’m a Jew. I was born and raised in the city of Tarsus in Cilicia and received my education from Gamaliel here in Jerusalem. My education was in the strict laws handed down by our ancestors. I was as devoted to God as all of you are today.

4. I persecuted people who followed the way ⌊of Christ⌋: I tied up men and women and put them into prison until they were executed.

5. The chief priest and the entire council of our leaders can prove that I did this. In fact, they even gave me letters to take to the Jewish community in the city of Damascus. I was going there to tie up believers and bring them back to Jerusalem to punish them.

6. “But as I was on my way and approaching the city of Damascus about noon, a bright light from heaven suddenly flashed around me.

7. I fell to the ground and heard a voice asking me, ‘Saul! Saul! Why are you persecuting me?’

8. “I answered, ‘Who are you, sir?’“The person told me, ‘I’m Jesus from Nazareth, the one you’re persecuting.’

9. “The men who were with me saw the light but didn’t understand what the person who was speaking to me said.

10. “Then I asked, ‘What do you want me to do, Lord?’“The Lord told me, ‘Get up! Go into the city of Damascus, and you’ll be told everything I’ve arranged for you to do.’

11. “I was blind because the light had been so bright. So the men who were with me led me into the city of Damascus.

12. “A man named Ananias lived in Damascus. He was a devout person who followed Moses’ Teachings. All the Jews living in Damascus spoke highly of him.