God's Word Translation

Acts 2:22-35 God's Word Translation (GW)

22. “Men of Israel, listen to what I say: Jesus from Nazareth was a man whom God brought to your attention. You know that through this man God worked miracles, did amazing things, and gave signs.

23. By using men who don’t acknowledge Moses’ Teachings, you crucified Jesus, who was given over ⌊to death⌋ by a plan that God had determined in advance.

24. But God brought him from death back to life and destroyed the pains of death, because death had no power to hold him.

25. This is what David meant when he said about Jesus:‘I always see the Lord in front of me.I cannot be moved because he is by my side.

26. That is why my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices.My body also rests securely

27. because you do not abandon my soul to the graveor allow your holy one to decay.

28. You make the path of life known to me.In your presence there is complete joy.’

29. “Brothers, I can tell you confidently that our ancestor David died and was buried and that his tomb is here to this day.

30. David was a prophet and knew that God had promised with an oath that he would place one of David’s descendants on his throne.

31. David knew that the Messiah would come back to life, and he spoke about that before it ever happened. He said that the Messiah wouldn’t be left in the grave and that his body wouldn’t decay.

32. “God brought this man Jesus back to life. We are all witnesses to that.

33. God used his power to give Jesus the highest position. Jesus has also received and has poured out the Holy Spirit as the Father had promised, and this is what you’re seeing and hearing.

34. David didn’t go up to heaven, but he said,‘The Lord said to my Lord,“Take my highest position of power

35. until I put your enemies under your control.” ’