God's Word Translation

Acts 17:1-14 God's Word Translation (GW)

1. Paul and Silas traveled through the cities of Amphipolis and Apollonia and came to the city of Thessalonica, where there was a synagogue.

2. As usual, Paul went into the synagogue. On three consecutive days of worship, he had discussions about Scripture with the synagogue members.

3. He explained and showed them that the Messiah had to suffer, die, and come back to life, and that Jesus, the person he talked about, was this Messiah.

4. Some of the Jews were persuaded to join Paul and Silas, especially a large group of Greeks who had converted to Judaism and the wives of many prominent men.

5. Then the Jews became jealous. They took some low-class characters who hung around the public square, formed a mob, and started a riot in the city. They attacked Jason’s home and searched it for Paul and Silas in order to bring them out to the crowd.

6. When they didn’t find Paul and Silas, they dragged Jason and some other believers in front of the city officials. They shouted, “Those men who have made trouble all over the world are now here in Thessalonica,

7. and Jason has welcomed them as his guests. All of them oppose the emperor’s decrees by saying that there is another king, whose name is Jesus.”

8. The crowd and the officials were upset when they heard this.

9. But after they had made Jason and the others post bond, they let them go.

10. Immediately when night came, the believers sent Paul and Silas to the city of Berea.When Paul and Silas arrived in the city of Berea, they entered the synagogue.

11. The people of Berea were more open-minded than the people of Thessalonica. They were very willing to receive God’s message, and every day they carefully examined the Scriptures to see if what Paul said was true.

12. Many of them became believers, and quite a number of them were prominent Greek men and women.

13. But when the Jews in Thessalonica found out that Paul was also spreading God’s word in Berea, they went there to upset and confuse the people.

14. The believers immediately sent Paul to the seacoast, but Silas and Timothy stayed in Berea.