God's Word Translation

Acts 10:17-30 God's Word Translation (GW)

17. While Peter was puzzled by the meaning of the vision, the men sent by Cornelius found Simon’s house and went to the gate.

18. They asked if Simon Peter was staying there.

19. Peter was still thinking about the vision when the Spirit said to him, “Three men are looking for you.

20. Get up, and go downstairs. Don’t hesitate to go with these men. I have sent them.”

21. So Peter went to the men. He said, “I’m the man you’re looking for. Why are you here?”

22. The men replied, “Cornelius, a Roman army officer, sent us. He’s a man who has God’s approval and who respects God. Also, the Jewish people respect him. A holy angel told him to summon you to his home to hear what you have to say.”

23. Peter asked the men to come into the house and had them stay overnight.The next day Peter left with them. Some disciples from Joppa went along.

24. The following day they arrived in Caesarea. Cornelius was expecting them and had called his relatives and close friends together.

25. When Peter was about to enter Cornelius’ house, Cornelius met him, bowed down, and worshiped Peter.

26. But Peter made him get up. He told him, “Stand up! I’m only a man.”

27. As Peter talked, he entered Cornelius’ house and found that many people had gathered.

28. He said to them, “You understand how wrong it is for a Jewish man to associate or visit with anyone of another race. But God has shown me that I should no longer call anyone impure or unclean.

29. That is why I didn’t object to coming here when you sent for me. I want to know why you sent for me.”

30. Cornelius answered, “Four days ago I was praying at home. It was at this same time, three o’clock in the afternoon. Suddenly, a man dressed in radiant clothes stood in front of me.