God's Word Translation

2 Peter 3:14-18 God's Word Translation (GW)

14. Therefore, dear friends, with this to look forward to, make every effort to have him find you at peace, without ⌊spiritual⌋ stains or blemishes.

15. Think of our Lord’s patience as an opportunity ⌊for us⌋ to be saved. This is what our dear brother Paul wrote to you about, using the wisdom God gave him.

16. He talks about this subject in all his letters. Some things in his letters are hard to understand. Ignorant people and people who aren’t sure of what they believe distort what Paul says in his letters the same way they distort the rest of the Scriptures. These people will be destroyed.

17. Dear friends, you already know these things. So be on your guard not to be carried away by the deception of people who have no principles. Then you won’t fall from your firm position.

18. But grow in the good will and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Glory belongs to him now and for that eternal day! Amen.