God's Word Translation

2 Kings 3:18-25 God's Word Translation (GW)

18. The Lord considers that an easy thing to do. In addition, he will put Moab at your mercy.

19. You will defeat every walled city and every important city. You will cut down every good tree, seal all the wells, and use rocks to ruin every good piece of land.”

20. That is what happened in the morning. At the time of the grain offering, water flowed from Edom and filled the countryside.

21. All the people of Moab heard that the kings had come to fight them. So all men old enough to bear arms were called to fight. They stood at the border.

22. When the Moabites got up early in the morning as the sun was rising over the water, they saw the water from a distance. It was as red as blood.

23. They said, “It’s blood! The kings have been fighting one another and have killed each other. Now, Moabites, let’s take their goods!”

24. So when the Moabites came to Israel’s camp, the Israelites attacked them, and they fled from the Israelites. Israel went after the Moabites and defeated them.

25. Then Israel tore down the cities, each man throwing rocks on every good field until it was covered. They sealed every well and cut down every good tree. Only the stones ⌊in the walls⌋ of Kir Hareseth were left. Soldiers surrounded Kir Hareseth and attacked it with slings and stones.