God's Word Translation

2 Corinthians 8:13-24 God's Word Translation (GW)

13. I don’t mean that others should have relief while you have hardship. Rather, it’s a matter of striking a balance.

14. At the present time, your surplus fills their need so that their surplus may fill your need. In this way things balance out.

15. This is what Scripture says: “Those who had gathered a lot didn’t have too much, and those who gathered a little didn’t have too little.”

16. I thank God for making Titus as dedicated to you as I am.

17. He accepted my request and eagerly went to visit you by his own free will.

18. With him we have sent our Christian brother whom all the churches praise for the way he tells the Good News.

19. More than that, the churches elected him to travel with us and bring this gift of God’s kindness. We are administering it in a way that brings glory to the Lord and shows that we are doing it willingly.

20. We don’t want anyone to find fault with the way we are administering this generous gift.

21. We intend to do what is right, not only in the sight of the Lord, but also in the sight of people.

22. We have also sent with them our Christian brother whom we have often tested in many ways and found to be a dedicated worker. We find that he is much more dedicated now than ever because he has so much confidence in you.

23. If any questions are raised, remember that Titus is my partner and coworker to help you. The other men are representatives of the churches and bring glory to Christ.

24. So give these men a demonstration of your love. Show their congregations that we were right to be proud of you.