God's Word Translation

2 Chronicles 9:3-7 God's Word Translation (GW)

3. When the queen of Sheba saw Solomon’s wisdom, the palace he built,

4. the food on his table, his officers’ seating arrangement, the organization of his officials and the uniforms they wore, his cupbearers and their uniforms, and the burnt offerings that he sacrificed at the Lord’s temple, she was breathless.

5. She told the king, “What I heard in my country about your words and your wisdom is true!

6. But I didn’t believe the reports until I came and saw it with my own eyes. I wasn’t even told about half of the extent of your wisdom. You’ve surpassed the stories I’ve heard.

7. How blessed your men must be! How blessed these servants of yours must be because they are always stationed in front of you and listen to your wisdom!