God's Word Translation

1 Samuel 14:1-8 God's Word Translation (GW)

1. One day Saul’s son Jonathan said to his armorbearer, “Let’s go to the Philistine military post on the other side.” But Jonathan didn’t tell his father ⌊he was going⌋.

2. Saul was staying on the outskirts of Gibeah under a pomegranate tree at Migron. He had with him about 600 men

3. in addition to Ahijah, the son of Ichabod’s brother Ahitub, who was the son of Phinehas and the grandson of Eli, the Lord’s priest at Shiloh. Ahijah was wearing the priestly ephod.The troops didn’t know Jonathan had left.

4. There was a cliff on each side of the mountain pass where Jonathan searched for a way to cross over to attack the Philistine military post. The name of one ⌊cliff⌋ was Bozez, and the name of the other was Seneh.

5. One cliff stood like a pillar on the north facing Michmash, the other stood south facing Geba.

6. Jonathan said to his armorbearer, “Let’s go to the military post of these uncircumcised people. Maybe the Lord will act on our behalf. The Lord can win a victory with a few men as well as with many.”

7. His armorbearer answered him, “Do whatever you have in mind. Go ahead! I agree with you.”

8. Jonathan continued, “Listen, we’ll cross over to the Philistines and show ourselves to them.