God's Word Translation

1 Peter 3:8-19 God's Word Translation (GW)

8. Finally, everyone must live in harmony, be sympathetic, love each other, have compassion, and be humble.

9. Don’t pay people back with evil for the evil they do to you, or ridicule those who ridicule you. Instead, bless them, because you were called to inherit a blessing.

10. “People who want to live a full life and enjoy good daysmust keep their tongues from saying evil things,and their lips from speaking deceitful things.

11. They must turn away from evil and do good.They must seek peace and pursue it.

12. The Lord’s eyes are on those who do what he approves.His ears hear their prayer.The Lord confronts those who do evil.”

13. Who will harm you if you are devoted to doing what is good?

14. But even if you suffer for doing what God approves, you are blessed. Don’t be afraid of those who want to harm you. Don’t get upset.

15. But dedicate your lives to Christ as Lord. Always be ready to defend your confidence ⌊in God⌋ when anyone asks you to explain it. However, make your defense with gentleness and respect.

16. Keep your conscience clear. Then those who treat the good Christian life you live with contempt will feel ashamed that they have ridiculed you.

17. After all, if it is God’s will, it’s better to suffer for doing good than for doing wrong.

18. This is true because Christ suffered for our sins once. He was an innocent person, but he suffered for guilty people so that he could bring you to God. His body was put to death, but he was brought to life through his spirit.

19. In it he also went to proclaim his victory to the spirits kept in prison.