God's Word Translation

1 Kings 4:27-34 God's Word Translation (GW)

27. Each of the governors provided food for one month every year for King Solomon and all who ate at his table. The governors saw to it that nothing was in short supply.

28. They brought their quota of barley and straw for the chariot horses to the proper places.

29. God gave Solomon wisdom—keen insight and a mind as limitless as the sand on the seashore.

30. Solomon’s wisdom was greater than that of all the eastern people and all the wisdom of the Egyptians.

31. He was wiser than anyone, than Ethan the Ezrahite, or Heman, Calcol, or Darda, Mahol’s sons. His fame spread to all the nations around him.

32. Solomon spoke 3,000 proverbs and wrote 1,005 songs.

33. He described and classified trees—from the cedar in Lebanon to the hyssop growing out of the wall. He described and classified animals, birds, reptiles, and fish.

34. People came from every nation to hear his wisdom; they came from all the kings of the earth who had heard about his wisdom.