God's Word Translation

1 Chronicles 6:49-59 God's Word Translation (GW)

49. Aaron and his descendants offered sacrifices on the altar for burnt offerings and on the altar for incense. They did all the work in the most holy place and removed Israel’s sins to make Israel acceptable to God. They did exactly what God’s servant Moses had commanded.

50. These were Aaron’s descendants: His son was Eleazar. Eleazar’s son was Phinehas. Phinehas’ son was Abishua.

51. Abishua’s son was Bukki. Bukki’s son was Uzzi. Uzzi’s son was Zerahiah.

52. Zerahiah’s son was Meraioth. Meraioth’s son was Amariah. Amariah’s son was Ahitub.

53. Ahitub’s son was Zadok. Zadok’s son was Ahimaaz.

54. These are the places where Levi’s descendants lived, the places where they settled in the territory chosen for them when lots were drawn:The ⌊first⌋ lot was drawn for the descendants of Aaron from the family descended from Kohath.

55. They were given Hebron in the territory of Judah as well as the pastureland around it,

56. but the fields belonging to the city and its villages were given to Caleb, son of Jephunneh.

57. Aaron’s descendants were given Hebron as a city of refuge, Libnah with its pastureland, Jattir, Eshtemoa with its pastureland,

58. Hilen with its pastureland, Debir with its pastureland,

59. Ashan with its pastureland, and Beth Shemesh with its pastureland.