God's Word Translation

1 Chronicles 6:40-49 God's Word Translation (GW)

40. who was the son of Michael, who was the son of Baaseiah, who was the son of Malchiah,

41. who was the son of Ethni, who was the son of Zerah, who was the son of Adaiah,

42. who was the son of Ethan, who was the son of Zimmah, who was the son of Shimei,

43. who was the son of Jahath, who was the son of Gershom, who was the son of Levi.

44. On the left was Ethan, one of Heman’s relatives descended from Merari. Ethan was the son of Kishi, who was the son of Abdi, who was the son of Malluch,

45. who was the son of Hashabiah, who was the son of Amaziah, who was the son of Hilkiah,

46. who was the son of Amzi, who was the son of Bani, who was the son of Shemer,

47. who was the son of Mahli, who was the son of Mushi, who was the son of Merari, who was the son of Levi.

48. Their relatives, the Levites, were assigned all the other duties in the tent, the house of God.

49. Aaron and his descendants offered sacrifices on the altar for burnt offerings and on the altar for incense. They did all the work in the most holy place and removed Israel’s sins to make Israel acceptable to God. They did exactly what God’s servant Moses had commanded.