God's Word Translation

1 Chronicles 27:9-18 God's Word Translation (GW)

9. Ira, the son of Ikkesh from Tekoa, was in charge of the sixth unit during the sixth month. In his unit there were 24,000.

10. Helez, a Pelonite from the descendants of Ephraim, was in charge of the seventh unit during the seventh month. In his unit there were 24,000.

11. Sibbecai, a descendant of Zerah from Hushah, was in charge of the eighth unit during the eighth month. In his unit there were 24,000.

12. Abiezer, a member of the tribe of Benjamin from Anathoth, was in charge of the ninth unit during the ninth month. In his unit there were 24,000.

13. Mahrai, a descendant of Zerah from Netophah, was in charge of the tenth unit during the tenth month. In his unit there were 24,000.

14. Benaiah, a member of the tribe of Ephraim from Pirathon, was in charge of the eleventh unit during the eleventh month. In his unit there were 24,000.

15. During the twelfth month, the twelfth unit was commanded by Heldai from Netophah. He was Othniel’s descendant. In his unit there were 24,000.

16. The following officers were in charge of the tribes of Israel:for the tribe of ReubenEliezer, son of Zichrifor the tribe of SimeonShephatiah, son of Maacah

17. for the tribe of LeviHashabiah, son of Kemuelfor the family of AaronZadok

18. for the tribe of JudahElihu, one of David’s brothersfor the tribe of IssacharOmri, son of Michael