God's Word Translation

1 Chronicles 16:21-29 God's Word Translation (GW)

21. He didn’t permit anyone to oppress them.He warned kings about them:

22. ‘Do not touch my anointed onesor harm my prophets.’

23. “Sing to the Lord, all the earth!Day after day announce that the Lord saves his people.

24. Tell people about his glory.Tell all the nations about his miracles.

25. “The Lord is great!He should be highly praised.He should be feared more than all ⌊other⌋ gods

26. because all the gods of the nations are idols.The Lord made the heavens.

27. Splendor and majesty are in his presence.Strength and joy are where he is.

28. “Give to the Lord, you families of the nations.Give to the Lord glory and power.

29. Give to the Lord the glory his name deserves.Bring an offering, and come to him.Worship the Lord in ⌊his⌋ holy splendor.