English Standard Version

Job 4:9-17 English Standard Version (ESV)

9. By the breath of God they perish,and by the blast of his anger they are consumed.

10. The roar of the lion, the voice of the fierce lion, the teeth of the young lions are broken.

11. The strong lion perishes for lack of prey,and the cubs of the lioness are scattered.

12. “Now a word was brought to me stealthily;my ear received the whisper of it.

13. Amid thoughts from visions of the night,when deep sleep falls on men,

14. dread came upon me, and trembling,which made all my bones shake.

15. A spirit glided past my face;the hair of my flesh stood up.

16. It stood still,but I could not discern its appearance. A form was before my eyes;there was silence, then I heard a voice:

17. ‘Can mortal man be in the right before God?Can a man be pure before his Maker?