Douay-Rheims Challoner Revision 1752

Josue 6:1-14 Douay-Rheims Challoner Revision 1752 (DRC1752)

1. Now Jericho was close shut up and fenced, for fear of the children of Israel, and no man durst go out or come in.

2. And the Lord said to Josue: Behold I have given into thy hands Jericho, and the king thereof, and all the valiant men.

3. Go round about the city, all ye fighting men, once a day: so shall ye do for six days.

4. And on the seventh day the priests shall take the seven trumpets, which are used in the jubilee, and shall go before the ark of the covenant: and you shall go about the city seven times, and the priests shall sound the trumpets.

5. And when the voice of the trumpet shall give a longer and broken tune, and shall sound in your ears, all the people shall shout together with a very great shout, and the walls of the city shall fall to the ground, and they shall enter in every one at the place against which they shall stand.

6. Then Josue the son of Nun called the priests, and said to them: Take the ark of the covenant: and let seven other priests take the seven trumpets of the jubilee, and march before the ark of the Lord.

7. And he said to the people: Go, and compass the city, armed, marching before the ark of the Lord.

8. And when Josue had ended his words, and the seven priests blew the seven trumpets before the ark of the covenant of the Lord,

9. And all the armed men went before, the rest of the common people followed the ark, and the sound of the trumpets was heard on all sides.

10. But Josue had commanded the people, saying: You shall not shout, nor shall your voice be heard, nor any word go out of your mouth: until the day come wherein I shall say to you: Cry, and shout.

11. So the ark of the Lord went about the city once a day, and returning into the camp, abode there.

12. And Josue rising before day, the priests took the ark of the Lord,

13. And seven of them seven trumpets, which are used in the jubilee: and they went before the ark of the Lord walking and sounding the trumpets: and the armed men went before them, and the rest of the common people followed the ark, and they blew the trumpets.

14. And they went round about the city the second day once, and returned into the camp. So they did six days.