Douay-Rheims Challoner Revision 1752

Genesis 43:16-25 Douay-Rheims Challoner Revision 1752 (DRC1752)

16. And when he had seen them, and Benjamin with them, he commanded the steward of his house, saying: Bring in the men into the house, and kill victims, and prepare a feast: because they shall eat with me at noon.

17. He did as he was commanded, and brought the men into the house.

18. And they being much afraid, said there one to another: Because of the money, which we carried back the first time in our sacks, we are brought in: that he may bring upon us a false accusation, and by violence make slaves of us and our asses.

19. Wherefore going up to the steward of the house, at the door,

20. They said: Sir, we desire thee to hear us: We came down once before to buy food:

21. And when we had bought, and come to the inn, we opened our sacks, and found our money in the mouths of the sacks: which we have now brought again in the same weight.

22. And we have brought other money besides, to buy what we want: we cannot tell who put it in our bags.

23. But he answered: Peace be with you, fear not: your God, and the God of your Father hath given you treasure in your sacks. For the money, which you gave me, I have for good. And he brought Simeon out to them.

24. And having brought them into the house, he fetched water, and they washed their feet, and he gave provender to their asses.

25. But they made ready the presents, against Joseph came at noon: for they had heard that they should eat bread there.