Douay-Rheims Challoner Revision 1752

Ezechiel 41:6-10 Douay-Rheims Challoner Revision 1752 (DRC1752)

6. And the side chambers one by another, were twice thirty-three: and they bore outwards, that they might enter in through the wall of the house in the sides round about, to hold in, and not to touch the wall of the temple.

7. And there was a broad passage round about, going up by winding stairs, and it led into the upper loft of the temple all round: therefore was the temple broader in the higher parts: and so from the lower parts they went to the higher by the midst.

8. And I saw in the house the height round about, the foundations of the side chambers which were the measure of a reed the space of six cubits:

9. And the thickness of the wall for the side chamber without, which was five cubits: and the inner house was within the side chambers of the house.

10. And between the chambers was the breadth of twenty cubits round about the house on every side.