Douay-Rheims Challoner Revision 1752

1 Paralipomenon 11:19-28 Douay-Rheims Challoner Revision 1752 (DRC1752)

19. Saying: God forbid that I should do this in the sight of my God, and should drink the blood of these men: for with the danger of their lives they have brought me the water. And therefore he would not drink. These things did the three most valiant.

20. And Abisai the brother of Joab, he was chief of three, and he lifted up his spear against three hundred whom he slew, and he was renowned among the three,

21. And illustrious among the second three, and their captain: but yet he attained not to the first three.

22. Banaias the son of Joiada, a most valiant man, of Cabseel, who had done many acts: he slew the two ariels of Moab: and he went down, and killed a lion in the midst of a pit in the time of snow.

23. And he slew an Egyptian, whose stature was of five cubits, and who had a spear like a weaver's beam: and he went down to him with a staff, and plucked away the spear, that he held in his hand, and slew him with his own spear.

24. These things did Banaias the son of Joiada, who was renowned among the three valiant ones,

25. And the first among the thirty, but yet to the three he attained not: and David made him of his council.

26. Moreover the most valiant men of the army, were Asahel brother of Joab, and Elchanan the son of his uncle of Bethlehem,

27. Sammoth an Arorite, Helles a Phalonite,

28. Ira the son of Acces a Thecuite, Abiezer an Anathothite,